Thursday, January 29, 2009

rêve générale

So if you pay attention to world news or european news, you may have heard about Black Thursday, today. The French, angry about the bad economy and upset with the gov't for not doing enough to fix it/prevent it from getting worse, they decided to shut the country down. Eight major unions came together for this one. Public transport was affected, but a law prevents it from shutting down entirely. Today, I only had to go to Musée Carnavalet at 3h30, so we left and hour early (though normally it's about half an hour from here) The lines we needed, 13 and 1, were both running at full service so we figured it would be a little crowded, but manageable. It wasn't really bad, though there was some commuter injury at a stop farther down on 13 so we had to empty the train at Montparnasse. This meant that, instead of avoiding both, we had to go through both Montparnasse and Chatelet...which is just annoying. They're probably the two biggest stations in the city (Chatelet IS the biggest) and they take forever to walk through so I generally try to avoid them.
But, aside from moving a little slower, the injury later on the line and being maybe slightly more crowded, I didn't really feel like it was that unique of a day.
Although, annoyingly enough, Musée Carnavalet was closing early so our tour wasn't finished. We were only there for an hour. The guide spent about half the time with us over a diorama of Ile de la Cité which was really cool. She talked about some interesting history of the city. Walking around the museum was cool too. I much prefer learning like that, where it's just interesting and I don't have to worry about being tested on it or anything. It's just stuff that's cool to know.

Also, as great as the greek district in Saint-Michel, we also found the Jewish district in the Marais with more falafel many options! Jewish or Greek?

Just a quick shoutout to my mom. I found the perfect car for her:

Oh, I'm sorry, can you not see the name of the car? there behind the rear window?

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