Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Amelia's here!

I skipped class today to pick up Amelia from the airport by RER because she lives on the same line as Roissy. Did you know it costs 8,10 for a one way ticket? The airport's all the way in zone five. After a bit of confusion, I found Amelia and we got her luggage to the RER.
The RER is super depressing. It drives through the ghetto, it's more vandalized than the métro trains and it was really cold today. I did not like it.
Checked her into her dorm, which is beautiful, bought her a navigo card (métro pass), went to chez moi so she could skype home (she was having trouble getting the internet working) and then we went out to find food. The closest big stop to me is Montparnasse so I figured going there would be the quickest way to find some food. Not. I don't know the area at all and I felt so bad because we're wandering around and Amelia is hungry and tired. Good news though, passed this road:

His house is in Paris...I will visit it.

We hopped back on the métro and went to Les Halles, to the centre commerciale which I know a little better...grab a hot, panini-ish baguette, pick up a cell phone for her and a couple quick necessities at the MONOP' (mini supermarché) and then she went back to her room and I presume she crashed into her bed.
I came home and watched a few eps of Freaks & Geeks with Sarah while doing very little homework...haha.

There's a big grève (strike) scheduled for Thursday...should be fun. 100% buses, 60% métro, 30% something else. Whatever, I don't think I have anywhere important to be...just have a rendez-vous at a museum in the marais at 3:30. I should make it, haha.
I just hope one of the two Vanves boulangeries are open.

Tip if you plan to travel to Paris and are used to American or, even more specifically, college town hours, this site rocks: Dimanche Aussi


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