Monday, January 26, 2009

Paris Lesson #5: Don't go to bars in Pigalle


Sarah and I had this fantastic idea to get dressed up and go out after a long day yesterday:

We began the day at...3pm, yes we're (mostly just me) lazy. We had an appointment at Société Générale to open French bank accounts, which we did, so that was cool. When we exited the métro (Denfert-Rochereau), there was a relatively large protest against Israel going on so that was interesting.

After opening our accounts, we hit the centre commerciale to get in on some of the soldes (the french have month-long sales twice a year and i'm pretty sure every store participates). We were pretty successful at Les Halles...beat, we decided we had missed Falafel Friday again.
Oh yeah, Falafel Friday, our new tradition started last Saturday, continued yesterday (also a Saturday) and planned for next Saturday. Last week, we went to Moaz, a Dutch chain that was ok, but this week we really found our spot. The guys there were super nice and the falafel was delic. We plan to become regulars.

Also, the intention is to actually eat the falafels on Fridays, it just so happens that our Friday evenings are busy, busy. Well, this week, we just forgot.

And onto Pigalle...The night bus comes to a stop not far from chez nous, so Sarah and I dressed up a bit and went out...N'importe de quel quartier! (doesn't matter which district). We walked into an Irish pub that it turns out I had been to right after we got here - but that was with a big group. Standing at the bar discussing a few things: did we want to stay? if so, what to get? and how do we get someone else to pay for them?
Up walks Juliano, who offers to buy us drinks...great! That was easy, but then he has us sit with him and his friends...CREEPS. But, we didn't want to be rude, so we were going to sit with them as we drank our beers. Turns out Juliano's friend Ahmed took a quick liking to Sarah. I, on the other hand, claimed I had a super-fantastic boyfriend in the states who I was absolutely in love with. We were clearly uncomfortable-we kept our coats on the whole time!...super awks...
Also, Ahmed asked for Sarah's number, but she was like, 'um, no' so he gave her his number instead and made this ridiculous plan, which he repeated about 8 times: We'd (the three of us) go to the pool, then come back to our place so we could shower and pretty up...then we would go to dinner and then the movies...what a plan. I mean, it's not nearly as cold as New England here, but still chilly...what is this pool?
Creepo, obvs not on our plan to give him a ring.
so the bar's closing and I had already been claiming that so-and-so was texting us and wanted us to meet him at another bar so we head out...and Ahmed follows. Well, crap, right?
He says he never leaves girls without security. So I go to fake a phone call and get directions to this place and when I return, Ahmed's totally making out with Sarah and I'm like, oh no, this is a problem. I run up and tap him on the back and tell him that Sarah and I have to go, that I have directions.
We head north in general to go towards Porte de Clingancourt to catch a nightbus, watching over our shoulders to be sure we're not being followed. Clingancourt was almost certainly not the closest or safest to get to night bus stops, but we got there...and couldn't find a night bus stop.
Wandering around, knowing the area was a little iffy, we hopped in a taxi, writing the cost off as a trade for the free drinks, and a safe way home. Porte de Clingancourt and Porte de Vanves are nearly opposite points of the city.

Did I mention Juliano's creepy real old friend bought me a rose and tried to kiss me?
If they seem creepy, say you have a boyfriend.
And when were trying to find the night bus stop, I came across a little café that Rachel should remember.

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