Sunday, March 15, 2009

Normandy and the evil cat...

MICEFA organized a trip to Normandy. Great. I've been there twice already and I was planning to take my mom there, but, whatever, it's required for one of my classes. So Sarah and I go on this bus trip. Basically, we drive 3 hours, get dropped off at Arromanches, without any explanation and are told to be back at the bus in an hour. Lame. Sarah and I walked around and took a few pics.

We had brought our lunch, so we ate that, but it was a little chilly and most of the stuff was closed. What were we supposed to do? Everyone was relieved to be back on the bus...except a few girls who were late and we had to wait around for them.

Then we headed to the American Cemetery, where we had a guide. It made it a little more interesting, I think. There was some sort of veteran's ceremony going on at the time, so we all stopped for the Star-Spangled Banner and TAPS. Sarah also thought of a name for a new ale. Taps. Always have it on tap at the VFW.

Then, we loaded back on the bus and headed for Omaha beach. Did you know that the Americans named the beaches so that if there were a spy or if they found their plans at all, things like "Omaha Beach" meant nothing, because there was nothing named that. Only certain people could actually know what was defined as Omaha Beach. Interesting.

But in the end, it was very tiring and we learned very little, except for that most people in our program suck.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

making friends and playing rugby

Rugby started yesterday, which was...interesting. Of course, greetings with kisses, which as a concept is totally ok, but in practice, it's very off putting. "Oh, hello, nice to meet you" *kisses* Whatever. Practice itself is not very strenuous. I'll be trying to do some running on the side I think, as it gets warmer anyway and I just started a thing on my iPod that helps you get to 200 sit-ups every other day in 6 weeks. We'll see how this working out kick goes.
Also, they shower together. We peace :P

Monday, March 2, 2009

fanny packs! a time for healing and churros

Saturday morning (or I should say afternoon) we decided to be touristy to help us enjoy our time in Paris and not be angry like we were so we were going to go to Musée Rodin, which is my fave museum in Paris. It was a really nice day out, but by the time we got there, they were closing (look, we're lazy on weekends...and weekdays), but then we realized that the next day (today) would be the first Sunday of the month, which is free admission! So, instead of the Musée Rodin, we hopped on the métro and went to the Champs-Elysées and walked around. We got Häagen-Dazs and then watched a really weird parade and went to Flam's for dinner which was recommended by Esther and was delic.

The next day, we got up at a normal person's time and went to Musée Rodin (for free!) which was super! Took a few pics.

Then we went to the Eiffel Tower, took some super high quality pics for Melinda. We bought popcorn and sat and watched some skateboarders just below Trocadero for a while.
It was really nice out so it was pretty cool.

Then we went to Montmartre to get dinner and hang out a bit. We got crepes, but my 4 cheese mix was pretty gross - I think it involved chèvre. And then a bag of fresh churros - AMAZING. We need to eat churros more often. Then we went home and crashed. I'm so tired, but Paris and I are on good terms again.